Firstly, we are extremely excited to have recently joined the BALPPA family and look forward to meeting you all digitally over the coming weeks and face to face when possible!

It is inevitable that due to COVID-19 the importance of offering value for money with your marketing strategy will be critical. We’re acutely aware that since the lockdown began budgets are being challenged even more. We welcome that challenge with open (Socially Distanced) arms, as my team at Destination see this as an opportunity for forward-thinking businesses, that dare to pivot and adapt to the ‘New Normal’ that we all face.

As we plan for the re-opening of the world there will inevitably be challenges along the way. We have been working with our clients to evaluate plans to maximise budgets to make a real difference. We have pivoted to ensure the content and messaging shared remain relevant, informative, educational and empathetic. How you act as a business now will have a lasting effect on how your customers feel about your business and ultimately who puts money through your tills when you’re open once again! We must act with purpose and clarity to support loyal customers, as well as attract those ever more valuable new ones!

As destinations start to re-open, there are likely to be many challenges that lie ahead. Government guidance will continue to influence ways of working, which will need to be communicated to customers effectively, in order to ease the inevitable anxiety of returning to venues where crowds will naturally gather. We must ensure all customers feel safe when returning to the ‘New Normal’.

So, how can we help?

We provide outsourced managed marketing solutions and services for destinations and brands across the UK&I. We deliver a full range of affordable marketing support, covering all aspects of the marketing mix:

  • Consultancy, Strategy & Planning 
  • Website Design, Management & Development
  • Advertising
  • Social Media 
  • Public Relations 
  • Design & Creative
  • Content Creation 
  • Events

We provide calmness and clarity in a hectic marketplace. We’re an unforgettable, experience-driven marketing agency, that brings brands and consumers together in endlessly creative ways.

We want to offer our knowledge and experience from decades of working across the retail, leisure, visitor attraction, public house and hotel industries, to maximise those marketing budgets at this most vital time.

I always say when times are good you should market your Destination, when times are bad you should market more. Engaging with your customers is more important than ever during this difficult period and we can help you do that in an effective manner.

Is it time to re-evaluate? We would value the opportunity to evaluate your current Marketing Strategy at no cost and with no obligation via a FREE Marketing Audit. If you would like to take advantage of this, please get in touch and we will arrange a personal Video Call with you at your earliest convenience.

I look forward to meeting you all soon.

Matt Baker (CEO - Destination Marketing)